

Joined Jun 2020 0 Following0 Followers
About Kenz_2374

Hello there! My name is Makenzie but you can give me a nickname if you want. I'm pretty new to this whole website and thought I was able to see who liked my audition but ended up getting an achievement for "being cocky" which I'm not. 😅

Here's a small run down on who I actually am: I am a 16 year old girl who wants to become a voice actress when I grow up. I am a little new to the whole VA thing but I have learned some things in my choir class that may help with voice acting.

So yes, I'm also a singer! I have written songs in the past and I will admit that I'm not the best at it. But I would love to give it a shot! Just give me a topic and I'll go off from there. Constructive criticism is always taken.

I'm a sucker for cartoons and anime! I love the She-ra reboot, Steven Universe, Avatar the Last Airbender, and more! If there's other shows or movies I should watch, I'd definitely take recommendations.

Any questions? Feel free to ask! It'll help me with writing about myself in future projects.