

Joined May 2020 6 Following2 Followers
About JoshuaOh

I'm a student who has been interested in voice acting for years. I'm taking the quarantine as an opportunity to explore the field. I have vast experience in editing and script writing, too, my primary passions. I am currently making a collection of short videos to release onto YouTube to hopefully grow and put out the content I want to release. Please check out my previous works below. Additionally, I've been screenwriting for a variety of freelance projects primarily on CCC, so if you are interested in my works and are creating an independent project of your own, feel free to reach out to me if you need a writer, voice actor, or video editor. My ultimate goal is to become a screenwriter for movies and TV shows.

  • @comrade-commissar

    JoshuaOh has so much potential and it would be a shame to waste it. I Would highly recommend him even thought we had to scrap to project in the end.He still produced High quality work to the best he could. And For that i would Highly recommend him as a fine scrip whiter