

Joined Nov 2019 3 Following0 Followers
About FlooRin

      To them people TrashPeople whom it may concern,

       Hello there! My current handle is simply 'FlooRin', as you've probably noticed. I am just your standard, hard working, studious college student with a misanthropic heart of gold and sharp wits to compliment. I hate and love everyone with affirmative action! (*cringe* I cry on the inside)

Fun fact, I hold myself to the highest standards for being honest, but I'm kind enough that I don't just go around insulting people. I'm actually pretty friendly and can get along with anyone. I have an interest in tech that had consequentially broken off into an interest into audio work, digital art, animation, video game design, etc... Only a few of those interests have evolved into hobbies, and that is what brings me here to Casting Call. If I can hone my skills while providing the community with satisfactory/superb assistance, then I would be more than happy to help.

I hope you have learned enough about me in these details, and if not, I guess you'll just have to wait to get-to-know me better!

  • @thebardicpaladin

    This guy is one of the best and most honest guys i know. He is incredibly reliable and will get the job done to the best of his very talented abilities. Especially if you need a Joker impression. He's a really great guy to bounce ideas off of as well.
    -A fellow stand user