

Joined Jun 2020 0 Following0 Followers
About flobblem

I am an aspiring voice actor and singer, currently seeking experience and feedback everywhere I can get it.

My regular speaking voice is a mid baritone, and has been described as highly adaptable and resonant.

I have a wide range of vocal ability from low, gritty and rumbling (the ability to make very deep sound using throat singing techniques) to mid-high and airy.

I can pass my voice around from chesty, to throat, to nasal in order to create different tones and voices.

My natural accent is a British East Midlands accent described as informal and disarming.

I make and edit a conversational comedy podcast called Films We Kinda Remember (https://soundcloud.com/user-464787316) which is branching out into full-length sketch comedy.

  • @koala-bear-workshop

    Flobblem voiced a minor character in one of my Audio Drama. Brought the character to life, good audio quality with a fast turn around time. Can't wait to work with them again.