

Joined Apr 2021 2 Following2 Followers
About FinCarterVO

I'm a queer trans male voice actor from the midwest US, currently located in Los Angeles, CA, US. I can do remote recordings from my closet, but am also close to many studios in the Los Angeles area. In my free time, I like to take walks, watch movies and Asian romance, write, cook, and play games (video and non-video). I have received training in stage acting, voice acting, and improv. When I was little, I wanted to grow up to be a karate black belt and a circus aerialist on the tight rope and trapeze. I can confidently say I have trained in the wrong things in order to make that dream a reality in the way I meant it back then. But if you have a project involving karate or the circus, hit me up. Make baby Fin happy.


I typically charge industry standard based on GVAA or the VAC Indie Rate Guide, whichever is more applicable. I will negotiate under special circumstances.