

Joined Jul 2018 1 Following0 Followers
About DimentioJester


As you can clearly tell, my name is DimentioJester (but you can call me Jester). I am a writer, poet, and musician (some may argue that I can sing, but I don't think so personally, I may at some point but not right now). I currently pride myself in the ability to speak both English and Spanish fluently, both in a variety of different accents (note: I can speak with a European Spanish accent, though it isn't listed). 

More importantly, in my opinion, is my prowess as a writer. I started writing seriously approximately four years ago, and I have never really stopped. This goes with saying that I have undergone several transitions throughout my writing career. I originally wrote poetry, which slowly evolved in the past two years into my current project: Disappear.

Disappear is a novel that I am currently working on writing, and have been for over a year now. I currently have a project page open for that, should the concept interest you.

My voice acting skills are mainly a side project/hobby, and as such I like to pride myself on doing most of my work free of charge. I know what it is like to have a passion but lack the resources to see it to fruition, and I don't want someone to feel that about something that they have a strong drive or passion for.

~ Jester