Joined Aug 2019 10 Following18 Followers

- about me -

minnesota based voice actor - twitch affiliate streamer

- equipment -

blue yeti studio microphone - adobe audition, adobe after effects

  • @shadowgaming

    Dani is an incredible voice actor, his acting one of the best that I have seen.
    Meeting Dani has probably been the greatest moment of this year, being able to hang out and talk with him behind the scenes is unreal.
    Dani is also one of the most reliable people I have ever worked with, he will make sure he gets you those lines no matter what, he's amazing at multi-tasking and his sound quality is incredible.
    He's super sweet and is easy to get along with.
    Overall, an incredible voice actor that I absolutely recommend!

  • @novarose

    Dani in the time that I have voice acted with him he has been a very positive and amazing voice actor, he does marvelous voices and makes every project a delight to be in. He is overall a Magnificent voice actor!