

Joined Jun 2018 1 Following0 Followers
About CupidIsAQueen

Hiya! My (stage) name is Sam Rose and I go by she/her or they/them. I'm 16 years old and I mainly audition for singing roles. 

I can sing in Japanese and English. My vocal range is e3-a5, and in my school choir I sing Alto/Soprano (I alternate between the two depending on how many people we have show up). 

But other than singing, I'd like to voice act - although at the moment I have yet to voice act in any projects. 

And other than my voice entirely, I enjoy writing, whether that be stories or scripts or songs or poems. 

Two of my goals are to create my own cover group/band and to not only cover songs, but to sing originals, and to create a webtoon or visual novel with someone. All in all, I'm here for fun and experience and I hope to make many friends along the way! *"*<(^~^)>*"*