

Joined Jun 2020 7 Following10 Followers
About Cosmo_CupcakeVA

Hiya! I'm Cosmo. I've been A stage performer for the last 9 years and I figured I should take that and translate it to voice acting! I'm excited to break into the community and throw my hat into the ring! 

  • @shinyturtw1g

    Felipe and I have worked on several projects together as actors, and each encounter has left me more impressed with him. He has an amazing ability to bring depth and complexity to a character, and puts a lot of work and perseverance into bringing them to life.

    His talent for acting goes beyond voices and delivery and is more accurately based in deep character and script study that proves itself in his final performance and delivery. I hope to work with him on many more projects in the future, as the talent and cooperation from Felipe is something that elevates the entire teams final product.