

Joined Jul 2019 1 Following0 Followers
About ColinDick17


I am an aspiring Voice-over Artist, looking to hone and develop my skills as a Voice Actor. I have enjoyed acting and performing since i was very young, which has lead me to take part in many theatre productions in my local area. These productions have allowed me to play a variety of different types of characters in different genres of theatre. 

I love the mediums of video games and animation, with particular admiration towards the Voice-over performances that go in them. Voice Acting fascinates me and is an element of performing i have always really enjoyed, which is why i have decided to finally try Voice Acting for myself. Actors like Nolan North and Troy Baker are massive inspirations to me and have voiced some of my favourite characters of all time. They are what i aspire to and i will take any opportunity to learn new skills and improve my performances.

Any and all critiques are very much appreciated.

My discord is ColinDick17#4449
Thank you,
