

Joined Aug 2019 0 Following0 Followers
About Codokay

Hey everyone! I'm Codokay, real name Codi. I'm just the average student wanting to make average VN Games. My biggest achievement is being an epic e-girl gamer boss. Just kidding, it's my tap dancing phase. Nobody can do shuffle ball changes like me! Alright, enough jokes, you didn't come here to listen to a failed comedy routine. This is my first semi-big project, so the question is why would you give your time and energy to a nobody? It's because I've got drive. I'll admit it, I may not be the best at a lot of things but you can depend on me to keep working through all the tough times.

I know it may not look like it, but creating that demo ( You should play it if you haven't ) has been a great fight against adversity. I originally planned to get a small group to help create, but after a long time struggling to do so, I said screw it and worked my butt off creating everything through the mental and sometimes physical pain. ( Outside of the logo, you're awesome Sage. And the music of course, credit given in the page. )

A while back I used to audition to voice act on projects kinda like mine, and they all flunked, so I get if people could be concerned when auditioning for a project. "Will this really come out? Will this really be worked on?" well, I think I proved that yes, it will, with my demo here I think I am showing the world that I am not just a lost tap-dancing prodigy, but I am a lost tap-dancing prodigy with the skill and drive to make a game. So, are you in?