

Joined Jul 2020 1 Following0 Followers
About alttabmt

I'm an artist in all aspects, understanding all the aspects of a workflow to create entertainment products.

That being said, my main passion is singing, but I work wonderfully in a team since I've also been through other areas, such as video/image/sound editing, animation, modulation, and voice acting.

I'm a self-taught singer and my biggest strengths are:

Whistle Tone;



Vocal Fry;

False Chord Metal Scream (still improving); 

Transition from chest to head "release";

3-octave range (Vocal Fry to Whistle, G3-F6)

I'm an Alto in chest range.

I usually make any edition on the vocals and record everything in one go, but if it's necessary I can edit them since I have experience in AE, Reaper, Audacity, etc.

I use the Trust GXT 242 Microphone to record, and I have a personal studio so quality can be ensured, and since I can record at almost any time of the day, I won't be late in deadlines.

I can sing in English and Portuguese. Also in Japanese, but by repetition.

Thank you so much for reading my bio!

Discord: Strong-10#0171

YT Channel:

  • @transham

    They’ve been so happy to work aside the project with me. Though it’s a small role, I know they were great fit for the role. They ask questions when needed, and they turn in their lines quickly with no trouble.