Ryan Loughlin

Ryan Loughlin

An aspiring actor working with Strongest Potion Productions

Joined Mar 2023 14 Following14 Followers
About Ryan Loughlin

I discovered my love for acting mid-way through high school, taking part in the Shakespeare Schools Festival in the performance "A Midsummer Night's Dream". This was my first taste of the stage and a step towards discovering myself and shortly after I received vocal training for around a year, attaining a distinction at grade 5 in musical theatre. Unfortunately I could not progress further as focus moved to GCSE exams. Physical Theatre became a strong-suit of mine and is still something I engage with even at home. I'm looking to broaden my horizons and see where life takes me.

Now working within Strongest Potion Productions, I've found another venue in which I can start to flex my creative muscles as well as (occasionally) travelling the country to perform.

I am a mixed race British male with a mostly open calendar.

Thank you for your time.


Generally not fussy with pricing, I understand that I must earn my worth.

What Ryan Loughlin is looking for

My go to projects are voice projects and on stage productions (including musicals) however I am open to most options.