Bucky Charms

Bucky Charms

A lifetime of real adventures means real personal experiences to draw from when portraying your character.

Joined Jan 2023 0 Following0 Followers
About Bucky Charms

I have been a cog in the government as a Marine and later captured by federal agents for protesting.

I have resided in a mansion and later lived through winters while homeless.

I have been a firefighter EMT who later became addicted to the drugs I used to save people from.

I have worked with non profits to combat human trafficking and later became a part of the porn industry.  

Twice upon a time, I have been a husband.

Once upon a time, I have been a father.

I have lived all these lives and more; all before settling down into something much more mundane. However, I never gave up hope that I could do more with this. Voice acting is, without a doubt, something I will always be able to make time for.

P.S. Not proficient, but I do speak a bit of Eastern Arabic.