

For VA enquires or urgent questions, contact me on Discord (thevlogger110) or Twitter (@vlogger110) where I'm the most active.

Joined Feb 2021 34 Following0 Followers
About TheVlogger110

I am a 19 year old content creator, voice actor & game developer.

I’ve been voice acting since July 2020 when I started out doing auditions on Discord servers. Since January 9, 2021, I started to do voice acting more often and have done a lot of auditions since then. I did my first CCC audition exactly 2 years after I started voice acting on July 2022 and got casted for it (only for it to get cancelled).

Voice range: Medium-Low.

Check out my VA Resume to see where my voice has been heard.

For VA enquires or urgent questions, contact me on Discord (thevlogger110) or Twitter (@vlogger110) where I'm the most active. Due to things happening in my personal life, they might be long response times which will hopefully end by Q3 2024


Currently free of charge.