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Search all 7905 voice actor neckbeard profiles
A guy who does silly ha ha voices, such fun.
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
Studied radio and voice acting at university and looking to do some more voice work
Speaks: english
(He/Him) Drama, romance, action, the world is full of wonders.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Live Actor
Hello. I'm Ty! I'm an amateur voice actor whos just getting started! I'm 24 years old and have a background in theater, as well as voice work. I can bring out many kinds of voices from high to low, energetic to brooding. I also have intensive knowledge on sound design, so I can even modify my voice to fit your needs! What I will do: Basically anything within reason. Just shoot me a message and we can talk!
So you found me~
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Video Editor
I'm a redpandemon tryna make my way! I use they/them pronouns, but I am able to VA for feminine, masculine, and androgynous characters alike.
Speaks: english
they/them | using my silly vocal cords and hand for good now
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Music Composer, and Writer
hi im clem
mainly a character artist but im dabbling in voice acting
Speaks: english
Voice Actor, Sprite Artist, and maybe a vocalist? Who knows really
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Artist
Hii hii helloooo you there?
I'm Caytie, a young trans woman looking to make her dreams a reality.
And where do you come in?
Well let me tell you.
See, I am poor
Very poor
But I suck at traditional jobs
So what you can do is commission me to create things for you as I actually enjoy doing that.
Sound good?
Then hop in my DMs bucko
I'll be waiting!
Speaks: english
I'm a multi voices and emotions specialist. so let me know if you need a good project to be a great one.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Writer
I'm a fantastic voice acting who would love to be apart of your passion. I can take any character of yours and make them come to life 
Semi high to very low range

Speaks: english
Leif Bradshaw
Professional singer of all genres, and aspiring voice-over artist with a great love of mimicry, dramatic readings, and campy characters.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, and Music Composer
Been singing publicly since the age of 9, had a love of animation and voice work that never faded with age, and even recently received a Bachelor's in Music, with a major in Music Theory and Composition. I am also on the autism spectrum, so forgive me if communication sometimes gets a little weird with me. I may struggle with thinking of what to say on the fly without a script, but give me dialogue and reading instructions, and there may not be a need for many takes. 
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male young adult
Curing depression via excessive positivity. 
I am a Voice Actor, Writer, and Live Actor
Hey ya'll I'm Owen Shreve

Iv been into all things sci-fi and fantasy as long as I can remember, I have always been getting my hands on some new video game or book set in a world leagues away from my own. I'm always looking to share that love of all things beyond our own by joining others as a voice actor or writer to help more of those far off things become something not quite as far.
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male adult
Voice Actor-in-training & Skilled Fictional Writer
I am a Voice Actor and Writer
Howdy! I'm Elias, a rookie voice actor and an experienced writer currently bouncing between NYC and Orlando, looking to share my talent with a pen and hone my craft of doing voices!If you would like to reach out to me, my email is - portorolittoral the space of course LOL!)If you would like to reach me faster, my Discord username is - eli_t024
Speaks: english
Setup: audacity
Search all 7905 voice actor neckbeard profiles