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Find Behringer U-Phoria UMC204HD voice actors

Search all 1254 voice actor Behringer U-Phoria UMC204HD profiles
Scottish/Irish LGBTQIA+ Voice Actor looking for work in Games and animation!
I am a Voice Actor and Writer
Name:You can call me Hazel, but my online handle is Scotsy!
Age:Late twenties.
Nationality:Scottish / Irish.
Accents:I was born and raised in Scotland, and moved to Ireland in my teens so I have natural Scottish and Irish accents.
 I can do:Scottish (Neutral)Scottish (Glaswegian)Irish (Neutral)Irish (Donegal/Ulster)Received Pronunciation English (and comical variants)General AmericanSatirical West Coast "LA/Valley Girl"Satirical Southern American/TexanSatirical Australian

Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: donegal flamboyant german greaser
Freelance Voice Actor and cast member of UNREHEARSED.
I am a Voice Actor and Music Composer
Hi, I'm LTWave and I'm a voice actor! I like voicing for a variety of things such as RPs, audiobooks, game/comic dubs, abridged series' and more. I also enjoy video games, music, story writing, and D&D (yes, I'm kind of a D&D nerd). I mainly do this for fun but I'm always looking for opportunities to improve my skills and collaborate with other artists.
Feel free to message me with any questions/requests you may have, or if you just wanna chat!
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male teen male young adult
Skills and Interests: guitar voice acting
Hello! My name is Sansd! I've been doing voice acting since 2020 and improving every year! Hopefully my voice fits a character of yours. If you're interested in working with me, please dm me! Discord: croutonpants
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Music Composer, and Audio Engineer
I use an Audio-Technica AT2020 as my microphone in a sound treated closet and use Audacity for audio editing/recording. 
I privated all my old auditions because the quality and skills I had at the time don't reflect how my recordings sound now
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male adult male teen
Vocalist, producer, mastering engineer, sucker for VGM and VA rookie (he/him) 🎶
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Audio Engineer, and Producer
German vocalist, audio engineer and mastering engineer located in Sweden.Would love to collaborate more with other people and maybe extend my portfolio to voice acting someday.
Take a look at my socials:
Hello there! I'm a France (UTC+2) based voice actress. Always looking to discover new skills and enjoy my time on CCC 🌼
I am a Voice Actor and Singer
Can deliver lines in French, English and Japanese.
I have some experience with classical and kobushi singing.
Not interested in NSFW projects.

Always open for feedback and tips, especially on the recording side of things!

Character projects (original work, impro...)Cover projects (most comfortable with jazz, bossa, medieval and folk...)
Specific dialects (middle or early modern French, English, Japanese, kuruwa kotoba, having fun practicing at this point!)

Any type of historical reenacting, experimental archaeology, involving music, sound and voice!
Amateur voice actor with a burning desire to learn and improve.
I am a Voice Actor
Originally became interested in legitimately trying to do voice work after listening to Elisa Mendelez talk about her path to doing voice acting at a MAGFest panel in 2023. I've learned a lot since then, and gotten the opportunity to learn from some amazingly-talented voice actors such as Deb Munro or Joe Zieja. My dream is to play a villain on the brink of insanity.
(Short pause)
I am a Voice Actor and Singer
Hey there! I'm Darkest_Shade or simply known as Shade. I do voice acting for fun! Plus I also sing occasionally 
I have no idea what I'm doing.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Accidental Voice Actor. Writer. Producer. Director. Actor. Storyteller.
Speaks: english
Just here for the love of work, what drives me and keeps me going. 
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Music Composer, and Writer
Just another guy trying to earn by doing things that he loves. To be one of those fortunate ones. At the end of the day, we should never let our dreams die and keep working for it.
Search all 1254 voice actor Behringer U-Phoria UMC204HD profiles