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Hi there! I'm a new voice actress just starting out with a background in stage and film acting, podcasting, and editing 
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Writer, and Live Actor
I have 3 years of stage and film acting experience on a variety of levels spanning within small local productions, YouTube, and extra work on a premium cable series. I am happy to be venturing into the voice acting sphere to better suit my schedule and lifestyle and continue to do what I love as an artist. Additionally, I have a little bit of experience in video and podcast editing, producing, and writing and I would love to further develop those talents!
Speaks: english
Hello, my name is Daniel (pronouns he/him), and I'm 19 years old. My voice is a bit on the deeper side, although i have trained myself to change my voice to verious pitches.
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
My voice ranges from very "high/low" voices to "deep/sinister" voices. Some impression voices i can do are Stitch, Mikey Mouse, Bane (Batman), Gollum (Lord of the rings), Morgan Freeman and many more. I am also very fond of changing accent for different acts, some i have perfected are southern, Irish and British, but i have No problem learning more, and i see my self as a quick learner.Most of my experience in the field stems from voicing various Danish adverts and minor acting roles.Other than that my training includes a lot of theater work, and parts in various unpaid roles.The equipent I use:My microphone of choice is the Shure SM7B, as I feel like it's just the "Go to" microphone for the type of work I do. I have it plugged into a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 gen 3 via XLR, which I'm not too shure I'd actually recommend, but let's not get into that here. All of my recordings are made in...
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