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Search all 8247 live actor icelandic profiles
Creator of masterpieces such as episode five of Transformers Radicular "Devestator's Missing Spheres", among other things
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Skills and Interests: music composition video editing
just a dude from Iceland who wants to voice act 
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
I'm just an Icelandic person who really likes acting
Accents: icelandic
Voice Description: male adult male teen
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor

Who am I? I am rustic, responsable, gentle and adventurous. I am Sincere and dependable, humble and patient. I am your regular guy with a foreign twist that will be loyal to his best friend through thick and thin. I am a mix between young Liev Shreiber, Tye Sheridan and a young Kurt Russel. 
I can play a wide range of characters with my physical attributes. With my large cheeks and out of this world smile I  can be seen as; the supporting friend always ready to lend a hand; a con man hiding his true intentions through his dashing blue eyes; because of my more calm, mature essence I can easily play any doctor or dentist.  
I have lived in Iceland, Germany and just graduated University of Southern California with a BA degree from School of Dramatic Arts. So I am very adaptable to every society and situation I am thrown into. I am slightly accented but not so much that people c...
Sindri Phu
From a grumpy man in his mid 30's to a nerdy guy who just bought tons of new anime figurines.
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, and Live Actor
Hi, my name is Sindri or Creative, located in Iceland. I'm an amateur voice actor who's been working on and off for the past 2 years, and always eager to learn and work with others in both film industry and voice over projects!

Age - 21Language - Vietnamese (Low level proficiency), Icelandic, English
About my self: Besides, voice acting, I have interest in video games, movies & TV's shows and anime. In my spare time I do video editing my self every now and then.
Discord: creativename_real
Email: sindriphu / (Due to CCC's censorship on emails, please replace "/" with "@". Thank you, and I'm sorry for the inconvenience.)
Thank you for visiting my page, hope to work with you!
Voice Description: male young adult
Skills and Interests: video editing voice acting
Search all 8247 live actor icelandic profiles