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Search all 2249 live actor gilbert gottfried profiles
This squirrel can voice act like hell
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, and Live Actor
Up and coming wanna be voice actor. Been impersonating and doing goofy voices for years, want to dance and sing for people that pay me or just need characters that I’d be interested in. I riff on cartoons, too. Influences are cartoons and video games.IMDb Page:
Current Setup: XLR AT2020 with Red Scarlett Focusrite Interface
Speaks: english
Hello, my name is Ry! I am based in the US and I am a non-union amateur voice actor, singer, and musician. I have over five years of stage acting experience and have been a streamer for a couple of months now.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Music Composer, Writer, Producer, and Live Actor
Vocal Qualities and Attributes:I am an AFAB person with a high pitched low-timbre voice. My general speaking voice tends to sound more on the mature side, but I can also achieve a higher pitch that suits children and more immature characters. Regarding vocal quality, I have a solid range between defined confident radio broadcaster-type roles and nervous whimpering characters. Screaming for hours is not an issue.
For my singing voice, I am a mezzo-soprano with a comfortable range of D3-D5 I haven't measured my belting range yet, but I know that I can go above D5 with it
Equipment:Bose SM7B microphone and Scarlett 2i2 audio interface. I do most of my editing and processing on Reaper, but I'm also quite confident with Audacity 
Inspiration:I loved the idea of cartoon characters being brought to life with voices but never thought that it was something I could do myself until I s...
(He/Him) Drama, romance, action, the world is full of wonders.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Live Actor
Hello. I'm Ty! I'm an amateur voice actor whos just getting started! I'm 24 years old and have a background in theater, as well as voice work. I can bring out many kinds of voices from high to low, energetic to brooding. I also have intensive knowledge on sound design, so I can even modify my voice to fit your needs! What I will do: Basically anything within reason. Just shoot me a message and we can talk!
 The powerhouse of Voiceover
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Hello fellow creators and vocal manipulators, my name is Albatross. I am pleased to be stepping out on the stage with you all, and hope for many exciting projects to come!
for reference, I have been in musical theatre and theatre for 11 years, and I have done one professional class of voice acting. other than that, the number of times people have told me they either love listening to my voice or to become a voice actor has finally made me commit to this profession pursual.
Speaks: english
Voice Actor, Professional Improviser, & Clown.
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
Hi! My name is Devin Sanclemente, I'm a Colombian & Rroma actor.
The Biz: I'm professionally trained in meisner dramatic techniques, physical theatre, clown, mime, comedic improv and solo sketch comedy who has made it as a finalist in the SNL audition process. I bring an intense, detail oriented grit to my performances and am certainly not afraid to find both the meaning and playfulness throughout scripts. I'm non-union!
The Person: I love the color purple, my newly adopted kittens Houdini and Misty, cooking food after finally mastering a Carne Asada marinade, and practicing my Spanish with friends and other creatives in my community. Currently my favorite games to play are Smash Bros Ultimate (I'm a Sonic player. And also crazy for being one!), Hades, and Fire Emblem Sword of Seals. I also just got 4 new plants in my house and thankfully only one of my snake plants is strug...
Speaks: english
A Wide Range Mimic filled with Original Character & Narration Talent!
I am a Voice Actor, Writer, and Live Actor
With a naturally smooth mid-to-low baritone voice, I can deliver engaging narration or a professional Telephony IVR host voice! (Previous experience as a telephony engineer with Cisco and Avaya, I know firsthand how important a professional and non-irritating IVR truly is for customer retention if your business expects long wait times)
This alongside years of amateur character and puppetry work, I've always enjoyed entertaining people with vocal mimicry. I find myself having a fair amount of vocal similarities to Chris McCullouch, Seth Rogen, Mike Judge, Mark Hamill, Patrick Warburton, and Justin Roiland with the ability to mimic many of their characters to an eerie degree. I can also call on many original characters I've developed over the years of interacting with people doing telephony repair (hint: it's lots of people) to bring depth to any comedic, dramatic or tragic tale to ...
Speaks: english
Search all 2249 live actor gilbert gottfried profiles