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I am a Voice Actor and Artist
hi! i'm medicine, i like voice acting for fun! i'm still improving my skills but i am eager to participate in any projects that i may assist with! 

discord: medicine#2425
twitter: @medicineVA 

Speaks: chinese
Actor, Writer, Musician
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, Producer, and Live Actor
Jeremy Jasper Owens is from Tennessee in the United States. He is an actor and voice talent, as well as a writer and musician.
He was worked on stage ("Spirit" as lead Drewry Bell), in TV ("Nashville"), and movies (Football Player in "Brian Banks" from director Tom Shadyac of Ace Ventura)

Instagram: @superman_aka_jasper
Speaks: english
Search all 4632 artist glaswegian profiles