
I voiced Tari for PackardFam a few times. I also voice Katelyn Templeton in Traitor. (PFP artist: ninhawesome). Discord: aven_turine. I should probably mention I'm 21.

Joined Aug 2022 7 Following5 Followers
About Sunday

Basically, I do voice acting, writing, and digital art for a living. I'm part of Pack's Ultimate Custom Night, as the voice actor for Tari, and I do virtually nothing with my time. You'll probably find me auditioning for stupid-ass things that happen to get my interest, or just playing Minecraft.


Pronouns: No preference

Availability: I'm regularly available, as long as you DM me

Social Media: aven_turine on Discord
I really like Dr Pepper and Pepsi


ill only charge for projects i dont voluntarily join

What Sunday is looking for

Danganronpa fan-projects.

I also have no issue auditioning in projects if I'm asked to.