Greg Marston

Greg Marston

Deep, rich, with gravitas, quirky, dramatic, quite silly...yes, really! All of these and more. Seek out

Joined Aug 2023 9 Following0 Followers
About Greg Marston

I've been voicing, professionally, for over 25 years. Across the UK, Europe, the Middle East, Australia - come to think of it, across the planet. I used to sing (for over 40 years) in various bands, from punk, rock and indie to out-front of two 20 piece big bands only a few years ago. The singing mic has been hung up now, but I can still croon the odd tune. More recently, I've voiced for games, narrated a handful of audiobooks and embodied various straight and oddball characters here and there. My stock-in-trade is narrative, documentary, explainers, corporates and the like. Listen to the demos to see if any of the voices might be useful for your project. Also:


Everything is negotiable and, of course, fees depend on broadcast and usage - hit me up and discuss.

What Greg Marston is looking for

Anything my voice might be suitable for!