

Hello! I am an aspiring VA! Will gladly try out any VA work that is within my ranges or willing to try out new things, don't be afraid to hit me up!

Joined Oct 2023 48 Following84 Followers
Real Voice L.A. - 2024

Character Workshop w. Guest Director Keythe Farley (Thane Krios from Mass Effect)

Instructed by Keythe Farley (Thane Krios from Mass Effect)

I amongst other students had a class with Keythe Farley and it was such an amazing time. I learned so much from him as not only as a person, but as a voice actor and a voice director. He was so amazing to work with, very funny and very amazing, taught something not only to myself, but learned from the other students and their performances! I'd 100 percent do it again to learn more! 

  • @bmanthedude

    Worked with him on an episode of my project. Very versatile and nailed what I needed on first takes most of the time. Really kind and talented!

  • @MannyBardo

    Super professional, responsive worker. They were happy to do any retakes needed to be done to really perfect the character's voices. They have a really nice, natural sounding low tone voice. 

  • @jonathan_tessari

    great VA. dedicated to there work
