
About Falseil

Hello, my name is Kylee! But I often go by Falseil or False in this online world. Unspoken Truth has been in the works on and off for the past three years and we are finally at a point where we can start looking for voice actors!

A little bit about me, I am a current college student with a hobby for roleplaying and Minecraft. For that reason, I decided to try and combine those things together to put out something I could (hopefully) one day release to an audience. The goal now is to go head on and get this project completed!

Thanks for reading! <3



  • @Crumbcat

    Best director I could have hoped for, very kind and compassionate and always there for you. She keeps to the point and gets things done, while also allowing us to have some fun with these things!

  • @brenboi

    A wonderful director and actor, very easy to work with

  • @deleted104683

    Genuinely one of the best project owners/leaders I have ever worked with. Picked my random British boy ass up years ago, and stuck with me through everything.

    Keeps things organised, serious and fun all in one. Our live Table reads are some of the most fun times I have. 
