

Just a playful dork, on mic, with a coffee shop hipster/punk twist giving his inner child a hug. :) Discord: captainmillsy_ In studio recording, quick turnarounds, quality recordings. Negotiable rates

Joined Feb 2024 18 Following10 Followers
About Vellidovoices

Hey everybody

Thanks for swinging by! I'm Alex Mills, I'm a non-union voiceover actor, that's been training for 3 years. Im looking to grow and expand my knowledge in acting, finding my ranges, strengths and learn new tips and tricks. I love accent work and impressions, value honesty and constructive criticism and would love to better assist you in bringing all of your projects to life!

I work as a podcast producer in studio, A/V technician, Videographer, Photographer and general freelance filmmaking. Graduated with a BFA in Motion Pictures and Television: Directing. I have also acted and been on stage.

If you like what you hear, shoot a like or follow, say hello, and or save my profile for future, I love meeting new people. Feel free to follow any of my socials to stay tuned with all my random weirdness. Excited to be of service and collaborate with you all! :)

Discord: captainmillsy_ #3835

IG: @captainmillsy_ , @vellidovoices

Tiktok: @captainmillsy, @vellidovoices. 

Blumvox Studios - 2019

Voiceover Classes

Instructed by Steve Blum
Seattle Voice Academy - 2019

Beginning Voiceover

Instructed by Shana Pennington-Baird
Academy of Art University - 2017

BFA: Motion Pictures and Television: Directing

Instructed by

Film schools from 2013-2017 focusing on directing writing and acting


Talk to me about what your budget is and what you think is fair, and we'll make something work!

What Vellidovoices is looking for

I honestly am in love character work, impressions and the wide variety of accents worldwide. Video games, and any type of animation would be the dream goal, but I know my voice range can be adaptable in many types of voiceover work. Let's collaborate and create!