Winston Lewis

Winston Lewis

Winston | He/Him 🏳️‍⚧️ | 21 | Animatic artist looking for extra work in voice acting, design work, and writing.

Joined Feb 2024 63 Following0 Followers
About Winston Lewis

Hi, I'm Winston, a trans animation postgraduate from the UK. I'm enthusiastic about creative work and am eager to find some projects to work on in my spare time to bulk out my portfolio.


My hobbies include entomology and insect pinning, competitive multiplayer gaming, and working on my passion project Wild Westly!


If you are interested in commissioning me or hiring me for animation/storyboarding work, you can check out my portfolio here!

Coventry Univerity - 2024

BA Animation and Illustration

Instructed by Francis Lowe

Bachelors degree in animation and illustration. 3 year course. Specialised in storyboarding/animatic work for dissertation and final major project.

  • @Sasha927

    I worked with Winston on the Wild Westly Pilot voicing the character Argus SIlksong - a moth with a mean streak, to say the least. Winston was amazing to work with. He's the only client I've had that provided a full read of my lines (so direction was clear as possible) while still encouraging me to improvise and be creative in my delivery. He's a prompt, clear, professional, and gracious communicator who makes you feel totally supported in your work. Bonus for the project itself was unlike anything I've seen to this point, high-quality, and hilarious. He and the Wild Westly team have my unflinching and unwavering support in upcoming projects. I'd love to work with them again.

  • @aubrey-akersvo

    Winston is awesome to work with and I enjoyed our live session! I hope to work together again!