

Just a voice actor looking for some projects to help out on! 

Joined Apr 2023 10 Following7 Followers
About Harmonically

Hello! My name is Harmonically and I have around 3 years of VA experience. (Mostly irl) This is my temporary demo reel, it includes some past audition lines with a range of voices, pitches and personalities! You may hear some variations in the audio since they are past auditions, my quality wasn't as good. If you would like to request more recent auditions or certain pitches/emotions please lmk!


Please THOROUGHLY read through my guidelines page on my carrd if you’re considering hiring me. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me!

Discord: @harmonically for any inquires & hire!

Demo reel: https://youtu.be/WaQwFLoAkyo?si=Qq0K1V8_PJ2HAHFE

Carrd: https://harmonically.carrd.co/

Resume can be found in my carrd ↑

Thank you for viewing!


Depends on project - I am open to negotiations, please contact me!

I do work for free, however free projects have a lower chance of being accepted, please contact me nonetheless!

What Harmonically is looking for

Any projects that need VAs for feminine characters. The character doesn't necessarily need to be female, as long as they have a feminine voice.