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OK guys, let us start from the beginning and then turn into something unbelievable...
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, and Live Actor
Hi there!
Actually I´m an actor playing mostly in Indie-Movies different kinds of roles . I´m playing a good mouth organ (blues, pop, folk), too. Could do some bluesy loops etc.I also handle the acoustic guitar well and mastered the jaw harp!
Library Music, royalty free and my VO for commercials! A good
whistler on board, as well.
I know it´s a great balancing act between cliches and creativity! 
"Good or ugly bad" will always be the question!
However, the crucial value will be questioned.
Decisions gonna be made - all the luck, therefore!If you´re always looking "who is the closest voice to my currentproduction"  you may forget that we are multiple voice actors, creative and  waiting to be challenged and able to deliver (with a 2. nd or 3.d run) the one perfect voice.
It's much more interesting getting into a creative stage
from both sides than dropping ...
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Producer
Speaks: german
Accents: german
Voice Description: male senior
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Accents: german
Voice Description: child female teen male teen
Skills and Interests: animation discord
Jan Theurich
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Jan Theurich, BA. – Produzent und RegisseurJan Theurich, geboren am 14.08.1995 in Velbert, Nordrhein-Westfalen, ist ein deutscher Synchronregisseur und Filmproduzent.Im Jahr 2020 erlangte er den akademischen Grad des Bachelor of Arts an der Fachhochschule Dortmund. Dort studierte er Film mit den Schwerpunkten Regie und Produktion. Mit seiner wissenschaftlichen Thesis über Qualitätsmerkmale in der Synchronregie verfasste er eine der ersten kunstwissenschaftlichen Betrachtungen zu diesem Thema und wurde mit der Prüfungsnote 1,0 ausgezeichnet.Im Hauptberuf arbeitete er für Werbeagenturen, Produktionsfirmen und Fernsehsender und koordiniert heute internationale Videoproduktionen als Leitender Videoredakteur.Seit 2017 engagiert er sich in der Nachwuchsförderung und betreut angehende Schauspieler:innen im Rahmen der Produktion seiner Herzensprojekte wie Trust me, I‘m a Dungeoneer.
She/her -Lun - Artist/ Live2d  Animator + Gachatuber✨ - 🇩🇪🇱
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
Setup: live2d
Voice Description: creature female teen
Olá meus amores! Aqui é Larissa de Andrade França mas pode chamar de Rainha das Estrelas.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, and Music Composer
Skills and Interests: brazilian imitating voices
hobbiest va/director doing stuff 4 free to build up a portfolio I'm proud of!!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Director, and Producer
I do not need to be compensated, this is all to get a good bunch of projects into my slimy little hands! It would be an honor to be able to work on literally any project
Music making is something I can do but definitely needs some work
I currently speak 7ish languages; English, German, Spanish, French, Dutch, Navajo, and Finnish I'm better at some than others but if in dire need I am willing to pick up a few more 
He/They transmasc who mostly does girly voices
I can not spell for shit (in english at least) so please bare with me!
Dajana Medved
I am a proffessional voiceover actor, translator, video editor & audiobook recorder!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Live Actor
I am a proffessional voiceover actor! -Voiceover for Cartoons & Fairytales -Voiceover for Videos & Youtube -Voiceover for Comercials & Roleplays/Cosplay I am a proffessional translator English/Croatian/Serbian/Dutch! I am a proffessional video editor for TikTok & Youtube! I am a proffessional Audiobook Recorder!
Skills and Interests: all english accents
16 Jahre alt, mitten in der Schulzeit, leidenschaftlich kreativ. Suche Gleichgesinnte für inspirierende Projekte und ständige Weiterentwicklung.
I am a Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
Mit 16 Jahren und einer leidenschaftlichen Hingabe für kreative Projekte stehe ich mitten in meiner Schulzeit. Zwischen Schulbüchern und Lernstoff finde ich meine wahre Leidenschaft: das Erschaffen beeindruckender Projekte. Meine Begeisterung für Kreativität, sei es in Form von Technologie, Innovation oder anderen Ausdrucksformen, spornt mich an, die Grenzen meiner Vorstellungskraft zu erweitern.In meinem Bestreben nach Exzellenz und Selbstausdruck suche ich nach inspirierenden Projekten und kreativen Gleichgesinnten, die gemeinsam mit mir Großartiges schaffen wollen. Jeder Tag birgt die Chance, meine Fähigkeiten zu perfektionieren und die Welt durch meine eigene kreative Linse zu betrachten. Die Reise der Entdeckung und Schöpfung beginnt jetzt!
Speaks: german
Voice Description: male young adult
I am a Voice Actor and the Voice Acting Director for the Project "Destiny Stars" by Ultimayd
I am a Voice Actor, Writer, and Director
Voice Description: male adult male teen
Search all 8594 agent german profiles