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Knights Kingdom Media
- Founded May 13th, 2023, Knights Kingdom is an Amateur Media Production Studio/Company based in Northeast Illinois, USA. Mostly producing Audio Dramas and Music. We also hope to do more in the future such as making Films, Shows, Comics, etc. 
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
- Links & Contact Info:
- This Account is run by Timothy Yakoubek

- Feel Free to DM us for any of the following reasons:See if we currently have any open roles available.Want to pitch a project idea to us.Suggest ways or ideas on how we can improve.Interested in becoming an official Knights Kingdom Media Team Member.

- Discord Server:
I am a Director and Producer
My friends and I would really like to become a studio which posts videos on youtube, our goals are to have episodes for different shows to come out daily/weekly. We want to share our love of certain topics and creative idea's.If you have an idea and/or skills for one of these please feel free to message us, we are always looking for creative people
Speaks: english
Accents: any
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