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Just trying to put my silly voices to good use.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Live Actor
As a nerdy mother of two, I often read stories to my kids using different character voices, and enthusiastically supply narrations for long expositions in games. I enjoy running Dungeons and Dragons campaigns, utilizing my voice acting skills to bring the world to life through various side characters and npcs. I am fascinated by all the elements that go into a production and would be able to offer art and animation skills as well, having graduated with a Bachelor's of Science in Media Arts and Animation.I would do well in a multitude of genres (fantasy, adventure, scifi, and anime, to name a few) and have the ability to sing in-character, should the need arise.
I am a Voice Actor and Artist
Heya everyone! I'm a beginner voice actor whom wishes to get a headstart on the new course I'll be following in september. I've heard from instructors thusfar that i've got a warm and friendly voice and it's games like A plague's tale that have motivated me to take this next step. Allround fantasy and story lover at heart being it games, series, art, books, you name it! Aside from the voice acting I also love some character designing, weither in Procreate or as writing them out. (I have way to many OC's on that note and half finished stories lying around, haha.) Anyone interested in a chat or willing to give me tips? Let me know. Let's learn and make amazing things together!
Skills and Interests: audacity basics procreate
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