Robin Hawkes

Robin Hawkes

Passionate about voiceover; always seeking to learn, improve, elevate, and refine.

Joined Apr 2024 4 Following5 Followers
About Robin Hawkes

I have been doing hobby voiceover for years but am finally taking it to the next step. Learning all I can with whoever I can to do as much as I can with my voice. Currently enrolled in programs/coaching with the likes of the V.O. gurus Tish Hicks, Pat Fraley, Elise Arsenault, and Donny Baarns. Learning the technical realm of V.O. with Don Baarns. I received my Bachelor's degree in Nursing, my Master's Degree in teaching and I have finally decided that I need to be doing what I truly love every day. Daily I am reminded by those around me that my voice is too dynamic and expressive to not share with others. So here I am.