

Roads were made for journeys. 

Joined Mar 2024 0 Following0 Followers
About TenninFall

TenninFall is a producer and director that delves into the gray space of humanity. He feels a strong commitment to humanism. The core of his stories conflicts don't revolve around villains, but instead the complex situations that bring characters into an inevitable clash. Tenninfall's work goes deep into the human experience with situations that don't have clear answers and characters that have to live with their consequences. Although sometimes his themes can get dark, he doesn't consider himself to be someone who commits themselves primarily to dark themes or a horror writer. He sees his role as an inspirer that wants people to face their shadows like the characters in the story.

"When you see your shadow, there's light nearby."

For TenninFall, he doesn't believe that your darkest moments have to be total destruction. He believes that when your heart is broken, it is finally open. Through his work he invites the audience to embrace the complexities of life and find a shared strength in humanity.