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Local Voice Actor willing to assist, Local 2D Animator using the current apps Draw Cartoons 2 and Flipaclip, Local Editor using Capcut, and Local Artist (Character designer, Background artist, storyboard artist etc.). Even a Local DIrector who's now producing a Pilot for a project I'm working on 'ti
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Hello it is I, Zecter Samuel, a young fellow guy who is reaching to become what dreams i have for one day, I am a Rookie Voice Actor, Editor, Animator, Artist, Writer and Director. I am here to seek talent, ansd to seek help from others, though none payed a lot of attention sometimes, I still wanna be the best i can be.

I am a Youtuber with over 517 subscribers, nice isn't it? I am willing and interested to join on what projects you call upon me, or me joining your projects to reach up for my goals 'til i die.

No matter what others dismissed me for my weak talents, I will still climb up no matter what. No Cage can hold, only Criticisms and Compliments will be acknowledge. I have many voice talents that were shown onscreen, one of my notable appearances were in these links for my roles.

Ben (NGB10):
Hello everyone! I'm DeniDilo! I'm the director and producer of my own fan universe based on the marvel comic and film universes. I'm producing 2 projects in the same timeline! if interested or have any questions come on down and shoot me a DM! Discord: DeniDilo#8407
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Hello everyone! I'm DeniDilo! I'm the director and producer of my own fan universe based on the marvel comic and film universes. I'm producing 2 projects in the same timeline! if interested or have any questions come on down and shoot me a DM! Discord: DeniDilo#8407 

I'm not a professional but I'm hoping this can help me and a lot of other people with a passion for film go somewhere! 
Singing, acting, writing, crying over the fact that I'm still single- you name it, I could (probably) do it!!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
The name's Qiqiy ~~YouTube Channel: PinQiy 
Discord: Pinqiy.Qiqiy#8230
Instagram: _qiqiy.artiste_
I’m a writer, singer, songwriter, video editor, voice actress, a digital and traditional artist while also being an average  teenager! I also attend boarding school, so I’d prefer to get all the CCC work done asap before going back. I’m on Instagram, Discord and YouTube if you’re interested in employing me!
Speaks: arabic malay
Accents: american
Search all 1003 video editor Anger profiles