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I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
A Jamaican-Canadian voice actor who is more than ready to take the next step in her journey!
Speaks: english
Voice Description: child female teen
Seeking Voice Acting positing!!! 
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Live Actor
I am 21 years old and gender-fluid! I am deeply empathetic, use humor to cope, and love helping others. By day, a barista and by night, an adhd/manic-depressed being actively healing from PTSD and taking it out on the arts. I am a singer (writing my own and doing covers) and an artist. I also play several instruments. It is a passion of mine to create whether it is drawing or singing. I use both as my main coping skill. My vocal range is ✨Side note: I am an aspiring neuropsychologist. I seek to understand the brain and it’s behavior to better care for my own mental health and others. It is one of my passions.  
Speaks: english
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