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I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Writer, Producer, and Live Actor
Hi there, I'm Blank! I've worked as a voice artist for a few years now, purely for fun, and I'd love to get into more professional work! 
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: all english accents scottish
Voice Actor/Human 
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Live Actor
Hello! My name is Rickel and I am an Artist and professional Voice actor/Human.
Ive worked with brands like Acer, Kia, and Hobby Lobby and more on regional and international commercial advertisements campaigns.
im branching out into animation voice acting and so you can find me here looking to have some fun with characters! 
 My microphone is a Rhode NT1A with foam and a pop filter, my audio interface is a Scarlett Focusrite 2i2, my software is TwistedWave, and my computer is a mac mini M1, and I record in a sound treated studio and I master and produce all of my own recordings and can deliver clean files with a balanced eq.
Feel free to reach out via dm if you have any Q’s for me :)  You can also email me at rickelhayesvo(@)
Catch ya on the flippity flip,
- Rickel
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Music Composer
Speaks: english
Voice Description: female teen
Skills and Interests: scottish (glaswegian)
I am [Your Name], a voice actor who brings an unrelenting passion and drive to every project. As an alpha male, I thrive on challenges and never take no for an answer. My powerful presence and commanding voice set me apart in the industry, ensuring that every performance is impactful and memorable.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
I am Steven, a voice actor who brings an unrelenting passion and drive to every project. As an alpha male, I thrive on challenges and never take no for an answer. My powerful presence and commanding voice set me apart in the industry, ensuring that every performance is impactful and memorable.Beyond my voice acting career, I pride myself on my diverse and impressive skill set. I am in the top 1% of players on, a testament to my strategic thinking and mental acuity. Chess requires a sharp mind and relentless focus, qualities that I bring to every aspect of my life and work.In addition to my intellectual pursuits, I have conquered one of the most challenging video games ever created: Dark Souls 3. Completing this game is a true test of perseverance, skill, and determination—traits that I embody both in gaming and in my professional endeavors. This accomplishment speaks to my a...
Search all 4394 artist scottish profiles