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I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, and Live Actor
Kanashi Atisuto22/07/2000Actor, artist, queer, Mallorquin mix dog parent, mod, streamer, vegan & writer 🎭🎨🏳️‍🌈🐶🎮✒
I am a Voice Actor and Artist
Heyo! My name is Cak3! I love creating things and being apart of other peoples creative processes too. 
Speaks: english
your average robot
I am a Artist and Animator
Hello! I'm a self-taught artist and a hopefully somewhat decent 2d animator who likes anime and manga(ew gross). I'm interested in making comics/manga, character/set/object design, and working on games--be it video or traditional. Although, how much I like a project will just depend on the project itself. 
If you want to see examples of my art, I have a portfolio.
Voice Description: animation art
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