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If you wish to follow me on Wattpad, I am currently writing a couple of stories there if you are willing to check them out.
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Writer, and Live Actor
Hi there! My name is Wolfie or otherwise known as BlindWolfieYT. I run a small YouTube channel called BlindWolfieYT. I am a college student and sometimes a solo writer. I do like to voice act but have never been given a chance to show my true colors in voice acting. However, My voice is trash and sounds like a masculine female.
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Writer
Your favorite mediocre VA

Speaks: english
Setup: audacity
Skills and Interests: voice acting
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Music Composer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
I am a young adult, Christian, content creator on YouTube looking to express and develop my talents as an artist, musician, voice actor, and writer. As an artist I primarily do character art but environments are also something I find I do quite well, self taught but my mother was an art major in college so she helped with my development quite so. As a musician I own a clarinet, a incan flute, a tongue drum, an ocarina, a saxophone, a kalimba, a Lyre and bongos, I play by ear and can't read sheet music currently but I can learn a song faster if I just listen to it anywho. As a voice actor I haven't had much traction but I've been practicing voices for over 15 years. As a writer I'm actually working on many books and working on my very own game/story for the game along with many other things related to my game. These skills and talents have been being worked on for 10 or more years so I...
A broke student who can create entertainment in the form of sketches and words
I am a Artist and Writer
Hello! I'm an experienced artist and writer! In art, I can draw both men and women pretty neatly.  My weaknesses are animals as well as muscular and overweight body types. In writing, I specialize in slice-of-life, romance, and tragedy.My weakness is fantasy-themed plots.I only write in English at the moment.
I'm in need of money, so feel free to send me a message if I am of any use to your paid project!
Feel free to message me here but I can assure a faster reply through email or Discord.
The arts & creativity are my driving force. I would love to bring my talents to your project in voice acting &/or writing!
I am a Voice Actor, Writer, and Live Actor
I am an arts graduate of Penn State, currently in the profession of marketing & advertising. While I have wonderful skills in this area, I am hoping to share my talents of voice acting, writing, & acting.
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male adult
"People don't change. They just find new ways to lie."
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Howdy-hey! You probably have seen my other CCC account if you know anything about Minecraft Roleplays (KaraWasTaken), however, that is not the purpose of this one!
Here I will be doing projects related to my SMP and such, so feel free to look around and message me or audition/apply if you're interested in helping out with something!
Thanks for reading! Stay fresh, stay fun, stay free! Stay the hell away from me. (Markiplier reference--)
Speaks: english
Search all 4825 writer writing characters profiles