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Here to learn and have fun.
I am a Voice Actor and Video Editor
game master looking to expand my character voice.
Speaks: english
Accents: irish
Voice Description: male adult
I'm cartoonist103! Although my username says "cartoonist", I'm not just a cartoonist lol
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Director
My name is cartoonist! I am a game developer and somewhat of a voice actor. That's basically all you need to know haha
Setup: audacity
Voice Description: male teen
Skills and Interests: programming (learning still)
Ambitious should be my middle name!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, and Writer
A self-taught singer, artist, writer, and a wannabe game creator ; I strive to do the best I can with what I know and aim to try and learn new things creatively. I also love cats and BAI drinks :3
Speaks: english
Voice Description: female adult
danish and ready. and a bit silly :3
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Music Composer, and Live Actor
I'm David, I'm danish and I'm currently 22 years old. I wanna try to become a voice actor, but Í also make music for video games. I also stream , and make youtube videos.My music is a combination of jazz and funk with some electro vibes, you can listen to what I have done here.

Discord is davidkvistine
Voice Description: male adult music video game
Search all 4098 voice actor game making profiles