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Search all 4672 voice actor Behringer UMC204HD profiles
My Time is Quickly Fleeting, and Life is Calling my Name. 
I am a Voice Actor
I'm just a guy who also has always wanted to voice act a little bit. I also have a YouTube channel with random stuff. 
These Days I go by Nullius_OV, or just Nullius is fine.
“All of us need to make our voices heard on behalf of reason, knowledge, sanity and wisdom.” ---- Laurence Overmire 
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male teen male young adult
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
20 years old beginning musician, singer and voice actor from Eastern Europe, searching for opportunities to learn all three.
Accents: british
Voice Description: male teen male young adult
Comédien de doublage amateur ! Voxophile et fier de l'être !
I am a Voice Actor
Skills and Interests: Doublage
Voice actor - SAG-AFTRA - commercial / animation and more . Reels and more at ADR Loop group
I am a Voice Actor and Director
Voice actor - SAG-AFTRA. ADR Voice Casting / Ear-Whacks Loop Group, VO instructor / Reels/editing, and more. Video Editing / Audio Editing.
Speaks: english
Search all 4672 voice actor Behringer UMC204HD profiles