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17 years in healthcare and a global pandemic and I finally get to do my dream job!  I’m proof it’s never too late.  Follow me here and on my socials let’s make something amazing!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, and Live Actor
Hi there! My name is Jess and I’m a voice actor! I have loved telling stories since I could string together a sentence and have been an avid theater nerd since the 5th grade. Unlike many others, I didn’t actually get the chance to live this amazing dream until after 17 grueling years in healthcare and a global pandemic- often being accused of being “the weird one” at work (a badge I was happy to wear!) I am really looking forward to joining some amazing projects AND getting to know some fellow weird-asses as we journey through this crazy thing called life. Give me a follow and check out my website at for more of my work and other crazy shinanigans. I have had the privilege to work on a bunch of audiobooks, clients like Genesis, Blue Cross, eBay Motors, the city of Memphis, and BoysTown, to name a few, and a full length animation that will be released (hopefully) at th...
Speaks: english
Trans Voice Actor and Artist, looking to help with passion projects
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Live Actor
Timezone: MSTi like to think i have a very androgynous voice, Im pretty proud of the range I haveI'm in so many fandoms its not even funny, so fan works are great for me.bro help me find a decent cheap mic PLEASE(in a shitty Boston accent) why couldn't i have just been born a man....?!I'm not here for profit, I'm here for experience.Will be/Currently attending UofA for a BA in art & design
Aspiring Voice Actor
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, and Live Actor
Hi hi! My name is Pink! I am a Pre-T Trans man who strives to become a voice actor! Voice acting is a dream of mine! My main inspirations are Michael Kovach, Elsie Lovelock, Alex Brightman, Kellon Goff, and many more!
Speaks: english
Search all 2977 artist sarcasm profiles