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I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Artist
Hey there! Thanks for taking a peek at my profile. I'm a semi-professional vocalist and actor, currently residing in B.C. Canada!
I have a large range of vocals, being a mezzo-soprano, and have been trained (and praised!) by industry-level professionals, accumulating a total of 5+ years of experience in singing and acting.
My recording studio (my desk) has industry-standard equipment ready to record on any project you desire, with just some minimal/minor tweaks and a whole lot of love!
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Artist
{Bio}Hello! I am Mary and I'm interested in getting into the voice acting industry. I am a university student who makes some music on the side and some art as well. I want to sharpen and improve my voice acting skills with any opportunity I can get! I'm also looking forward to the musical opportunities. Feel free to take a look at my Youtube channel where I post some music covers. I have grown substantially over the years (so the more recent videos are more representative of my abilities).
{Youtube Channel}
{Will not do work with...}NSFW - Explicit/Sexual ContentCussing/Swearing

Skills and Interests: singing voice acting
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Music Composer, Writer, and Live Actor
Speaks: english
Accents: british
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