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I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Live Actor
I'm an Austin, TX based voice actor hailing from upstate New York. An obsession with imitating accents from an early age has left me with an unusual quasi-brittonic cadence. I immensely enjoy character voices, be it for animation, video games, or anything in between. I'm also no stranger to narration and commercials! If you need a youthful, quirky voice for your project, I might be the person for you!
Speaks: german
Skills and Interests: impressions voice acting
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, and Live Actor
AMERICAN NATIVE with a deep and commanding, yet friendly voice.  I have over 25 years of acting voiceover experience.  I have my own studio and complete 99% of my projects in less than 24 hours.  I have a wide range.  So, whether you need a voice for a game or an audiobook, I can accommodate.
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: voice acting voice recorder
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