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Search all 4496 artist elmo profiles
A wandering cartoon freak that does the funny voices
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Live Actor
I can voice a lot of things, but am still learning how to do more. 
I WILL NOT voice for anything sexual, or something that has certain slurs or curse words. Ask me more for details.
If you decide to contact me through Discord, prepare for a lot of questions. 
Speaks: english
"There's a million things I haven't done... But just you wait."
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
I am a voice actor and actor IRL and I wanted to create this so I could hang out with some friends and possibly make some new ones!
a Random Kid who wants to be Famous
I am a Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, and Live Actor
Dutch (en Fries) (bad at english)
At school with training: Media Designer level 4
Singer / Violist
Addicted to watching Cartoons
Want to become an Animator / Actor
Have no experience.(did Voice over/ acting for fun for my own and school)
Voice Description: female child
Skills and Interests: animal sounds Singer violin
Search all 4496 artist elmo profiles