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A Short Story writer and Artist, both digital and traditional. If you need an artist for a project or something else you have in mind, Im here!
I am a Artist, Animator, Video Editor, and Writer
I'm a short story writer and an artist trying to get better at animated works, so far I'll be doing storyboard animation and maybe even try lined animation if needed.I like art, gaming, music, etc.I'll be here doing my own projects, but if you need art for something, I can try helping out and maybe you can return the favor. 
I don't mind volunteering for an animatic/ storyboard animation pieces but depending on what you need it'll probably need to be a paid role (especially if I'm busy with other projects.)
Speaks: english
Ambitious should be my middle name!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, and Writer
A self-taught singer, artist, writer, and a wannabe game creator ; I strive to do the best I can with what I know and aim to try and learn new things creatively. I also love cats and BAI drinks :3
Speaks: english
Voice Description: female adult
18F. a little too autistic about klonoa, the sonic ova, and any other fever dream-like shit. i like to dream big while lacking the strength to get out of bed. big "uncle knuckles" fan, the future voice of "sonic hakurei" on youtube... someday. 
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, and Writer
Accents: texan wahoo
Skills and Interests: amateur artist wahoo
Search all 3086 animator game art profiles