

Would love to get to know other VAs! Feel free to send me a DM and introduce yourself :) 

Joined Jun 2021 3 Following14 Followers
About ShiaRini


My profile is still a work in progress, but base info about me is I am a 25 year old aspiring voice actress. I’ve taken Voiceover courses and have had the opportunity to lend my voice to a few projects as well, and can’t wait to be a part of even more (and please feel free to give me feedback whenever)!

Now some extraneous information about me: my favorite genre of game is cozy life sim (if I can’t fish, it doesn’t count), other hobbies of mine include drawing and crocheting, and I  have a fondness for miniature cooking videos. 

Thank you for reading and feel free to send a DM my way if you want to chat VA stuff or if you also have strong opinions on life sim games! 

Feel free to also reach me on Discord at: TrishTrash#1100