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Male, UK native speaker, teacher of 11+ years, deep voice and accent specialist.
I am a Voice Actor
For years, people have said that they "hear me before they see me"; this isn't just due to the low tone that gets carried in my speaking voice, but because of the various voices and characters that I would broadcast out of my open doors and windows and down the corridor for the rest of the school (you can thank Covid for that). 
Having worked within schools teaching 4-18-year-olds, I have various different tones and styles of communication to best suit my audience. For older students, I was a history teacher and regularly had to explain difficult and complex language, read long passages while maintaining the attention and interest of the class, and would occasionally drop in snippets of other languages (with attempted authentic pronunciation). For my younger students, I was a cover teacher so I taught them whatever was planned for that day. My fallback, if the class were unsettled,...
Speaks: english
Setup: audacity
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Writer, and Live Actor
Skills and Interests: academic reading Adaptability Adventurous Amazing analyzing Assassin audio editing (cool edit pro) care and goal-setting Cleaning Collaboration communication community organization Computer gaming cooking cooking/baking Cooking skills Create various creativity Critical thinking decision-making effective communication Element water evaluating fight choreography Fighter Fighters fighting fighting games Fighting skills financial management fire element funny gaming youtuber Genuineness good communication Green black magic Hand in magic hand magic Hard work and dedication Healing Power imagining and making connections independent Initiative and enterprise Instrumentfightercooking interpersonal skills Joking around Knifes leadership leadership abilities listen well to others Looking cute mean girl Musical Intelligence Nerd skills nerdy nitiative and enterprise NO magic Openness Oral and written communications skills Planning and organising prep cooking Problem Solving Problem-Solving professional drummer Professionalism and strong work ethic radio dj roblox gamer School captain Scientists self-care and goal-setting self-management self-motivation and others Sitting down skype patch sleeping smart Smartfightergood at jokes Staff Magic strength Sword Magic Swordman teamwork Teamwork and collaboration Teamwork skills Technical Skills Technology The second flame thoughtful sometimes time management trained singer Using Magic Wants people to be dead Witch magic Witch of Death work experiences youtuber
Riri Reone Talks
Local blanchead attempts voice acting
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, and Writer
A 20 year old female peep who is interested with playing character voices.
For voices I will do:▪︎ Cartoonishly childish voice▪︎ Low energy, shy voice▪︎ High energy, manic voice▪︎ Monotone, sarcastic voice▪︎Enthusiastic, raspy voice▪︎Androgynous, mellow voice▪︎Customer service voice▪︎Storytelling narrationsEXAMPLE: UnReone Voice Reel
For arts I can do:★ Black and White Hatching★ Flat colors★ Cell Shading★ Character illustration on simple scenes/backgrounds★ Sketchy animaticsEXAMPLE: UnReone on DEVIANTART - ArtFolio
》 All this in a toony and anthromorphic style!
Other sites you can find me: ♥︎ TOYHOUSE ~ ♥︎ TUMBLR ~
Hope we get along well!!!!
I am a Voice Actor and Singer
I have done voice work outside CCC!I have done audio dramas for Guardbro's Field Desk.
Speaks: english
Setup: audacity
Voice Description: female young adult
An (UN)Professional Cornish Voice Actor!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Music Composer, and Writer
If you cannot contact me for VA, message "eliteaholicc" on discord or instagram!!If it's Music wise, Please message "irenespring" on both discord or instagram for her attention!⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆୨•Voice Actor|•Writer|•Vocalist|•Artist୧17 | She/They | Student⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆hello! I'm NotLuxuryViolet (or WeepingViolets in 2017)I started voice acting in 2016
My carrd:
Voice Description: female child female teen
Villain, Vixen, Guided Meditation, Narration, and Commercial
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, and Live Actor
I've always wanted to get into voice work and now's my chance! I'm also trying to get into standup comedy and comedic acting, so comedic projects are great! I do some great evil laughs and villainous voices. My voice can also get pretty relaxing and peaceful. I can read textbooks with conversational ease and even describe pictures if necessary. My narration style is gentle and confident. My voice is clear and I enunciate well. My character voices fit well with fairy godmother, evil witch, and breathy seductress. I've been doing old lady voices since elementary school. I have a natural alto voice, but go higher for cute or sweet voices.
Speaks: english
“I am under absolutely no obligation to make sense to you“ - Taylor Jenkins Reid
I am a Voice Actor and Writer
Hello! You can call me Alice or Liz, and I am obsessed with rabbits. I have craved being able to have creative freedom with my talents for what feels like eons, and when I heard about ccc through Discord, I just couldn’t resist making this account. I haven’t done any projects yet, but I trust in my abilities to bring my own little spark to whatever I do in the future. I have never voice acted in anything, though it has always been my desire to be good at it, and there is no time like the present, right? As for my writing, I have never written for a project outside of school, but I write non-stop in my free time, including for fan fiction! I seek a sense of community and camaraderie with the people I hopefully get to work with on projects, because talking to people who can see me has always frightened me, but that all fades away online, where I feel I can be my true authentic self.
Speaks: english
Just a voice looking to breath life into a few characters.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, Producer, and Live Actor
I am excited to discover a path to doing voices all the time. There is nothing quite like filling another world with life. I look forward to working on any projects that my voice matches up with. I am also all about improvement, so if there are any tips or suggestions you would like to share to make what I am doing better let me know.(I am up for practically anything!)other things I work on during the dayArchitectureIllustrationWritingListening to AudiobooksWatching Movies (The Library of Media is intense!) Feel free to talk movies anytime!Also always interested in new music to listen to if anyone has any suggestions (Indie Folk has my heart and ears most days.)Works:Pinpricks series by Jason Pell - Mini Book TrailersHitrecord Published pages "Tiny Stories Volume 2"- William WarrenHitrecord TV - Narration on Brothers in Episode 2Riveting Oaks by Dapo Ibraheim - Audible AudiobookHeyYou...
Speaks: english
Setup: audacity
Voice Description: male adult
Ultimate Collector, not just for collecting, but also for writing and voice acting
I am a Voice Actor and Writer
My name is Marceline, I'm a trans girl and I'm known as the Ultimate Collector. That's a title derived from Danganronpa for those interested. Aside from collecting a ton of different things, and having a tendency to get obsessed with various franchises and getting emotions for characters in them, I like to spend my time doing a variety of creative things, like 3d printing, recreating characters in character creators (like HeroForge or Miitopia), designing outfits and making OCs. Furthermore, especially important for here, I love writing stories and essays, and voice acting. If there's any project I can help bring to life, I'd be more than happy to assist!
Providing voice-over services for Male sounding young characters, teens, and adults and mature adults. From light to warm tones, I specialize in anime-style/regular performances.
I am a Voice Actor
I like anime and video games, particularly in the fantasy, horror, and sci-fi genres.Adept with accents and dialects: General British / RP, Northern British, Cockney British, Yorkshire, General Irish, General Australian, General American, Appalachian American, Brooklyn New York, Canadian, General Scottish, Italian, French
Voice Description: male adult male young adult
A beautiful voice in this chaotic world!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, and Live Actor
From what I understand, voice over work covers many different topics. Reading, TV, Radio, Comercial, animation, Sports and much more! I’m open to working on any project. I can’t think of anything that I would consider out of my wheelhouse. I love to learn new skills. I am very easy to work with. I’m very  experienced in reading. I have also just started writing my first children’s book. It’s going to be a series of 5 books. I believe that I have many skills to bring to the table. I would love to learn more creative skills and being a part of Casting Call Club can open many doors for me. 
Speaks: english
Hello! I am an inspiring VA looking for friends and projects to improve my VA skills!
I am a Voice Actor and Writer
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male teen
Austin Chaboyer
Young adult male, looking for acting, voiceover, model etc.
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
I am a young male, 22years old. I have moved around Canada growing up. I am ambitious and smart (I like to think so). I like to read, I love sports and self improvement. Networking and travelling is a dream of mine, however it may come. Reach out and get in contact with me either text, call or email(780) 906-3621. [redacted]