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Search all 4801 voice actor WavePad Sound Editor profiles
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, and Writer
Heyo! I'm a home-studio voice actor and Bionicle fan to the max, having voiced Gali in fan-projects since 2016. Feel free to DM me if you want me to voice something! ^^
Skills and Interests: screenwriting
Hi! I want to voice and direct in future projects!
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, and Writer
Hello! My name is Noah and I've always, throughout my whole life, wanted to get into voice acting. The many inspiration that made me want to at least try is Todd Haberkorn, Steve Blum, and many more but the one voice that kept me wanting to try most of all is Matt Mercer. 
Got any questions? Private message me or go to my discord: NoahJames96#5884 
I will make a demo reel when I make a lot more submissions
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, and Live Actor
Hello! Marissa here, I'm 22 and I go by she/they pronouns. If you have any questions or comments for me (or think I'd be a good fit for one of your projects) please feel free to contact me here on CCC or at any of my socials below!
Contact me:-Discord: CrazeeQuirkz-Message me for gmail-Twitter: @CrazeeQuirkz
Speaks: english
A monster girl with some voice talent. Being new to the VA scene, she hopes to leave her mark for future audio listeners.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, and Director
Greetings! I'm MonsTriss, but you can call me Triss for short. I'm a professional 2D artist looking into becoming a VA. My vocals have a lot of range, and I want to test out how far they can go. Check out my voice lines for a brief outlook on my skills. Please note that I'm still beginning this journey, so I may make some mistakes down the line.Projects I Can Do:As a cartoonist, I'm always down for anything cartoony. I'm highly comedic and love to use my voice to portray my humor. Simple, lighthearted stuff that doesn't need to be too intense. I tend to be quiet by nature, but I can get a little rowdy if need beVillains! Oh, I would love to play a villain! I often scare my family and friends by saying scary phrases in a deep, sinister voice. Projects I Can't Do:Nothing explicit. I'm an asexual individual who doesn't care much about sexual things. Let's keep things casual and unarousin...
Speaks: english
Ty Horn
I am a Voice Actor
I am 23 years old and an amateur voice actor with 4 years experience, looking for more projects to be in. So far I have voiced in TFI Creations, Origins Unknown: episode 4 and 5, Gigawatt: Out of Time and Shattered Glass, and Merritt Movies, Emergence: chapter 2 over on youtube.
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: canadian english
Freelance Voice Actor from Canada! What I lack in circular education I make up for in passion!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Writer
Hi there! My name is Hudson Harris, I'm 26 years old and I hail from the rural country of Ontario, Canada! I'm currently an up-and-coming voice actor just trying to get my enthusiastic career off the ground! If you need me for a project, feel free to contact my email or reach out to me on Discord: hudsonharrisva
Speaks: english
Amateur Horror VA Looking for opportunities! Some of my samples are below, more will be added sooner or later.
I am a Voice Actor
Discord Tag: ThunderCookie#2965
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: deep voice narration
Hello, My name is Systolic and I am a upcoming voice actor, I have been doing small work for a while now so I think it's time I begin working with other people all around the world!
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
I'm 18 with a lot of knowledge on computers, video editing and content creation thanks to my own YouTube where I dub over webtoons and upload them for people to enjoy. I do this with my friends from college who also are interested in doing some voice acting work. I also do video editing for the channel and manage all its social accounts.
For more of my work please go to my YouTube channel here:
Speaks: english
I am a Voice Actor
I'm a small streamer and content creator looking to improve my skills in voice acting and maybe expand upon other talents as well. I'm 20 years old, from Australia and my main strength is voicing young male teens/ adults.
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: anime dubbing watching anime
We all start Somewhere !
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
Oh right right ! The name’s Remi ! I’ve been a voice actor for three years and recently became a certified actor since I graduated from JC acting agency !
Speaks: english
Voice Description: child male adult male teen
Search all 4801 voice actor WavePad Sound Editor profiles