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I am a Voice Actor and Video Editor
Hola, mi nombre es Jesús, me encanta usar mi voz y escucharla en proyectos, tanto personales como para otras personas. 
Actualmente estoy realizando mi proyecto personal:The Walking Dead (Motion Comic) el cuál inició en el 2019 y por cosas de la vida recién ve La Luz. 
Te invito a verlo :

Gracias por pasar por aquí, nos vemos pronto, cuídate.

Club de Voces *Nuevo*:
Contacto: Mensaje privado.
Speaks: spanish
Accents: spanish
Skills and Interests: composing voice acting voice over
I am a Voice Actor and Video Editor
Voice Description: male teen
Skills and Interests: voice acting
Youtube: Bea // MCTV - YouTube
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Writer, and Producer
Hello my name is Bea! I'm coming back to youtube after a long long haitus and want to show the world what Minecraft Roleplays are about!
Speaks: english
Setup: audacity
Can't Help But Create...
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Live Actor
hi I'm Wild, I've been a VA for a few years now amongst a million other things. I have a passion for stories and characters that stand the test the time. I hope I can help bring your characters to life the only way I know how; passion, hard work, & analysis.
Speaks: english
Search all 7122 video editor stories profiles