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Nordic VA at your service. From deep & dark to high & bright. Salty liquorice connoisseur.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Greetings, I am a Finnish actor with six years of experience in the industry.I have worked extensively in theater and on camera both as an actor and a host as well as a voice over artist.I work regularly both in Finnish and English.My voice is quite flexible from low to high and I love making weird noises (maybe too much if you ask those close to me).Feel free to reach out to me about your project, let's make something fun and creative together!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
I am fairly new to Voice Over work so I am still working on perfecting my audio reel; it will be up soon though!
I have been acting on stage for about 5 years, starting in college. I have been in numerous productions and played a variety of roles, including a production of "Hamlet" where I played Polonius, and a production of "The Dumb Waiter" by Harold Pinter. My father runs a local radio station where I occasionally provide a voice for advertising.
I also run games of Dungeons and Dragons for my friends, where I use my vocal talents to role-play the characters in the game. You could say I am very passionate about acting in many of its forms.
Contact me if you need a voice and let's work on some art!
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male adult male young adult
Be the person you want to be! Work hard and you'll make something great out of yourself!
I am a Voice Actor, Audio Engineer, and Live Actor

My name is Sandro, but you can call me Sanboi, San or Donker, whichever you prefer!
I'm an amateur VA going for small, maybe even larger projects for funsies, but I am not opposed to the idea of a buck or two!

Aside from that, I do audio editing, working with distortion effects and whatnot, mainly for my spamton work.
I may or may not sing every so often, but not confident enough to do it loads.

Soyeah! Take a look around, see if anything strikes your fancy!
Skills and Interests: Crazed laugh growling
Powerful, Energetic characters with gritty and clean styles
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Music Composer, and Live Actor
Professional voice actor & musician & sound engineer with lip syncing capabilities and versatile voice acting styles in a wide rangeIf you are into heavy metal, check out my personal stuff here: 
A Little Freak. Cringe.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, and Live Actor
Just a they/them who misses being creative and being in theater. Looking to create, audition , and take part in creative projects as I can :)
Can't Help But Create...
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Live Actor
hi I'm Wild, I've been a VA for a few years now amongst a million other things. I have a passion for stories and characters that stand the test the time. I hope I can help bring your characters to life the only way I know how; passion, hard work, & analysis.
Speaks: english
Search all 7051 live actor growling profiles